Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gilbert 80-98

Why did military planners always hope, and plan for, an immediate defeat when in reality that seems unrealistic?


  1. I think that the military planners had a idealistic approach to war, rather than an realistic one. They said that the war would be over before winter, probably because they wanted it to be true. Also, the morale of the troops was important to the war, and this was one way to boost it.

  2. because every country belived they could win easily and with no problem and with this belife that they could win so easily they made plans thatinvolved such quick resaults. an example of this would be the schlifen plan it had uch high demands on how quick the battle should be resulting in an imposible resault

  3. I agree with Hannah, if a country goes into a war sayin "we might win this war in 2 or 3 years," they won't really get any support from the troops or the people. Some nations also overestimate their power, or underestimate the response of other countries in a war. This leads to wars lasting much longer than originally expected.

  4. I think once they realized that a stalemate was reached they did too little to change the tides of the war. Gas, Planes and Tanks were introduced, but overall, planners were still stuck in the mindset that whatever they planned would lead to a quick victory.

  5. I agree with Hannah and Kevin in that I think that the troops have to be motivated somehow, most likely a lot of the soldiers didn't really want to be there and if you have a military commander telling the troops to fight hard but we will most likely lose probably isn't a very effective war strategy. It's like a sports team the coach will give a pep speech at the beginning of the game telling the players that if they play hard they will be rewarded.

  6. I think that the biggest factor in a countries belief that they will dominate a war is the nationalism that a country experiences prior to a war. This nationalism causes the military leaders and even the people themselves to feel that they will easily win the war. Also, I agree with Hannah because, as with anything, if you go into something expecting to not do well then you will ultimately do worse as a result.

  7. I agree with the comments here. One more thing, war planning had been going on for a long time and war plans were abstract, rather than tried and tested. So much thought and effort was put into them that they must have been convinced that they were the best options. Additionally, with the technology that was available, WWI seemed destined to become a defensive war from the beginning, and propaganda was necessary to overcome reality.

  8. I agree with Hannah, in that war was approached idealistically. I think military planners were naïve in their expectations for the war. They overestimated their own powers, and at first, thought majorly offensively, in a war that soon turned defensive. Once the war started and was going on for awhile, military planners’ strategies had all gone down the drain. It was hard for them to catch back up and plan for an unexpected longer war.

  9. I think that Russia leaving the war also added to Germany thinking that they were on the way to winning the war, they could advance into Russia, but they might not have anticipated Turkey joining the war.
